Obsession Racing Press Release 2014 #3

MENIFEE, CA – The month of March started off in El Paso Texas for Monster Jam. This show consisted of 2 shows, one on Saturday night and the other on Sunday afternoon. We were for the first time glad to leave California’s stormy rainy weather to be in sunny El Paso. The winds were high but at least it was dry. This weekend was not to be their weekend for racing, but for freestyle Eric did phenomenal to make up for it! I think he got some pointers from Todd Leduc!

On Saturday the 15th was a very busy day for Rick and Eric. They had their trucks at two different locations. They dropped off the Obsession truck in Victorville on Friday night and then Rick headed over to San Dimas with the Obsessed truck for a display for Jiffy Lube that started at 8am until 2pm. The display went well and Rick de-tired Obsessed and headed back to Victorville to catch the evening show of Eric performing in Obsession for the second time. Both shows in Victorville for Outlaw Monster Trucks were freestyle only and Eric did a great job in Dad’s Obsession taking the wins!

Finishing off the month was down in Mexicali Mexico for Monster Truck Showdown. This show was Saturday night only. Rick did an awesome job bringing home the win in racing. Eric caught some huge air off of the big jump in freestyle and put on a great show for our Mexico fans!!

Our Auction Hunters episode aired also in March. They will be playing reruns on Spike TV so keep your eyes open for it!!

Obsession Racing Press Release 2013 #9

MENIFEE, CA – The beginning of September was a busy month for Obsession Racing. It started out in Sublimity Oregon for the Sublimity Harvest Festival. Eric and I flew up to Oregon on Wednesday evening to do the show for the sponsor night on Thursday. Justin Cluster was going to take over for Rick in Wrong Way Rick for the Thursday’s sponsor night. Rick did a commercial on Thursday for Straight Talk Singular in Dan Radoni’s Patriot Truck since we had our trucks in Oregon for the Harvest Fest. The Thursday night show was cancelled due to rain and thunderstorms. Rick’s commercial went smoothly and we looking forward to see it when it airs! We will keep you posted on when it airs on television because you might not recognize it with an all red body and wing graphics on the sides. Friday morning Rick flew up for the rest of the Harvest Festival’s event. Friday, Saturday and Sunday’s show are freestyle only shows. This event is held for a fund raiser for the community. This was Eric’s first show with this promoter and they were really pleased with his performance and ability to handle his truck. As usual the Sublimity fans loved Wrong Way Rick and his ability to drive the truck in reverse! It had a lot of people fooled and the kids always are amazed!

After bringing our trucks back home, Rick had to return Dan’s truck back to his shop in Santa Cruz California before our show in Pomona. We were really grateful to Radoni Racing for letting us use their truck for the commercial. We felt honored to be trusted with Radoni Racing’s equipment and trucks. You don’t just let anybody use over $250,000 worth of your equipment. We couldn’t thank them enough!

On Friday September 27th was a one night show in Pomona for WGAS Motorsports. Eric drove his truck Obsessed and Rick drove Wrong Way Rick. This show consists of racing and freestyle. Rick and Eric did a good job in racing. Eric was unable to put on a freestlye show because his truck was having an oil pressure issue. Rick on the other hand put on a great freestyle run and was the first truck to barricade through the R.V.!!

Our next show will be held in Red Bluff California for the West Coast Nationals with both Obsessed and Wrong Way Rick.

Obsession Racing Press Release 2013 #8

MENIFEE, CA – In the month of August we had three shows, a display and a television commercial. The first event was in Salinas California for the Salinas Rodeo Foundation. This show started off with four days of displays to promote the show that was held on Sunday August 11th. For the first time this venue had an over under course for racing. It was a driver oriented track. We were fortunate that Rick and Eric had done this sort of course before for the Robbie Gordon Series. In racing Rick took Wrong Way Rick all the way to the Semifinals. Eric did a phenomenal job in freestyle and placed second to Dan Rodoni in the Patriot truck.

From Salinas Rick and Justin Cluster headed to Washington for a one night show for WHR Motorsports in Lyndon. Eric and I headed home after Salinas because Eric had to attend his first day of High School as a senior. This show had only Wrong Way Rick booked for this event. It was racing and freestyle and Rick took home the win in racing and pleased the crowd in freestyle!

After the Lyndon show, Rick and Justin headed to Kent Washington for an E.B. Bradley display/open house. The display was a huge success and the vendors and customers are already to have us for next year’s open house.

Our final show in August was held in Monroe Washington for Evergreen Speedway. This show Justin Cluster drove Eric’s truck Obsessed for him, and Rick drove Wrong Way Rick. This show was on held on Thursday and Friday night with racing and freestyle. Rick took first place in racing both nights once again!! The trucks had a good solid run for freestyle and Justin caught the highest air in freestyle over the van stack on Friday night! We want to give a special thanks to Justin Cluster for all of his help in crewing and driving!!