MENIFEE, CA – February was another busy month for Obsession Racing. Our first show of this month was in Portland Oregon. There were two shows on Saturday the 11th and one show on Sunday the 12th. Rick and Jimmy Lehnertz performed for Monster Jam for this event. Our trucks made it to the Semi finals on Saturday and on Sunday both trucks made it to the finals in racing. They both did an awesome job for our Portland Fans in Freestyle also. Tom Lehnertz and Justin Barrett immediately tired down for Obsession Racing after the last performance so that Rick, Jimmy & Tom could head home before the snow to get ready for another Monster Jam event at Dodgers Stadium in LA. We would like to thank Jimmy Lehnertz, Tom Lehnertz and Justin Barrett for there help and support for the Obsession Racing Team.
On the following Friday after Portland, we were loading trucks for the Dodgers Stadium show Rick discovered that we had some engine problems in Obsessed. We are extremely grateful for our good friend Frank Schettini to lend us his motor out of his Monster Truck (Pro Comp)! Rick, Jimmy & Tom rushed to Frank shop to pull his motor on Friday night before the show! They got the motor and were back to our shop at 10:00pm and Rick, Jimmy, Tom and Eric started wrenching away!! They got the motor in around 4:30am and loaded the truck. They had around 2 hours sleep and we were up and headed to Dodgers! They got the trucks tired up in time for the Pitt Party. Rick made it through the first round of racing and qualified as fifth fastest truck in qualifying. Jimmy had a crowd pleasing freestyle run and caught a lot of air and didn’t miss any of the jumps! Rick had the longest wheelie of the night in his freestyle competition that brought the crowd to their feet!
The Monday after the LA show, Rick and Eric did a show for WGAS Motorsports in Indio California. This was a fair show and was strictly freestyle only. This was the first event of the year for Eric and you would have never guessed it as he is a natural piloting his Obsessed truck! Rick got to drive Obsession for the first time also of this year also having the new paint design. This brought him back some old memories of his first Obsession. He also did a great job for his California Fans and Family. This same show continued on the following Saturday and Rick and Eric did a great job just like they did on Monday. We had a great time at this show will Family and close friend and we wanted to thank Tom Read for his help and making his famous yummy Tatar Tots!!
Rick and Jimmy will be headed to El Paso Texas for a two day stadium show in March for Monster Jam! They are looking forward to seeing their Texas Fans!